A Parisian wedding photoshoot in black and white

Geschrieben am 1. July 2014

booking photographer

Black and white wedding pictures are classically beautiful, just like back in the day when black and white pictures were the norm.

And which city could be better suited to a wedding photoshoot in black and white than Paris? Paris, city of love, home to the Eiffel Tower, stretching toward the sky on the horizon!

creative photoshooting paris

The Eiffel Tower is a perfect backdrop for this bride and groom. With this wedding photoshoot, daylightphotographer have created a lasting memory for this couple which will bring joy to generations to come. If you’d like to book a wedding photoshoot in front of the Eiffel Tower, click here to book your personal photographer in Paris.

photographer paris

photographer paris


1 Reply "A Parisian wedding photoshoot in black and white" available

  • nazanin
    2. July 2015 (15:00)


    We want to come to Paris just for photography for prewedding photography in 12th of September. Can I know aboat your cost and detail of photography?we want one video clip too.


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